
What is The PIProject?
Welcome to PIProject.

I am a society and culture student in Year 12 and have to do a Personal Interest Project (PIP) which requires me to do extensive research and produce a 4000-7000 word report about the subject of my choice. I am already 2 Terms in and I still haven't come up with a subject or question. So basically I'm a little freaked out.

In order to record my process in a way that I can easily keep track of things, I have created this blog. I will post ideas, secondary research findings, plans to help develop this PIP, content from my tutorials with my society and culture teacher, results from methodologies, and of course: my stress rants about this.

Hopefully I stick to this and it helps me out.

**Unfortunately, the Pages app for blogger which allows me to have proper tabs at the top of the page only allows one page of information and not actual posts which sucks. Trying to figure this shizz out.

So how to use this site:

On the side bar you'll see a heading called "Info About Headers". This refers to the title tabs at the top: About, Plans, Primary Research, Secondary Research and Tutorials. If you click the headings on the side bar, you will get a description about what kind of information and things you'll see IF you click on the heading at the top with the same name.

So e.g.:  
When I click the the Tutorials link on the SIDE BARit'll give a description of what the Tutorials heading on the top is about.

If you click on the tutorials header link at the TOP of the page, you'll find actual posts/entries about different tutorials I've had:

All posts allow you to comment. So feel free to leave any thoughts, opinions, ideas, any kind of helpful information (website links, stories, names of people I could talk to etc.) or questions. You can leave them anonymous (so trolls, start your engines), leave your name with the comment or sign in with a Google account and just post it through that.